Friday, November 25, 2011

emperor & empress cards

haven't touched this thing in a bit, so i figured i'd do a quick one. granted, i say "quick," but watch it take me an hour or so to hum out. oh well.

not like i need to do mega-assignments that are due this coming tuesday/thurs.

anyway, i figured i'd do this post on the emperor and empress cards, since for some reason i feel like everyone should embody these two in themselves. true fact.

emperor, the aries male wonder

so, anyone know anything about astrology? 'cause apparently this dude's a total aries guy: he's quite literally depicted here as the center of his own universe. he's singular, solo, completely self-sufficient. he gives nothing unless it benefits him and only takes what he needs for himself. he's also a bit stubborn; notice how he's rooted in his place? granted, this means he's kind of a selfish dick. let's not forget being proud and set in his ways; he changes for nothing and no one. he's not exactly the best of friends and he's likely out for numero uno in the sack. (granted, here he's depicted as the Horned God/Pan/Greenman/call-him-what-you-will, so while he may be a selfish lay, expect some raw angry passion. if you don't want to risk being with a guy who doesn't consider sex "good" unless you suffer some awesome vaginal bruising - every time - then move on.)

these are all things that it can be necessary to be at one point or another, in short time increments (say, at work). but as soon as this shit carries over into your personal relationships, you'll fuck yourself. 

empress, how the concept of Taurus likes to think of itself
think of taurus as the next-door-neighbor to aries, the one that doesn't really "get" their neighbor, but doesn't exactly not like them. taurus will put a more traditional, elaborate rose garden in their yard; aries will put up exotic flowers and useful food/-/herb-plants (aries tend to be a little too practical but still like things looking a certain way). they're both in kind-of competition, at least in the aries's mind. but then taurus comes over one day with a small rose bouquet and some homemade comfort food as a way to say "hi, let's be tolerant friends." then the aries finds out the taurus actually tithes, even though they're jewish. the taurus is always there to lend a hand, or some kind of practical advice. or something else useful the aries can take away with them in some manner.

dude, this is kind of the empress. where the emperor's kind of a dick, the empress gives. and gives and gives and gives. see her never-ending basket of awesome? it's full of beautiful shit she keeps giving away. to the universe. to her neighbors. family. friends. everyone.

she gets off on giving. it's not some kind of martyr complex (or, as some might phrase it, sacrificial sensibility), it's just her maternal instincts kicking in. because, really, she's the mother to the world. or at least she tries to be. she takes nothing, only offers gifts for others.

but where the emperor looks right at you, all "i'm a dick, deal with it," the empress looks up towards the sky, towards the gifts she's giving. i've seen decks where they're drawn to look at each other when both are upright (very very helpful in a love reading), ironically though, they can both neglect. the emperor's neglect is more blatant as he's wrapped up in strictly himself, but you gotta admire the straight-into-your-eyes no-bullshit honesty. the empress's neglect is subtle: she's so busy playing universal savior she can forget to nourish the ones closest to her. this would be the person who throws themselves into charities and other good causes, but is never home in time for dinner, or takes in homeless people to help them. foster parents. etc.

just some late night ramblings for you guys.

bam. posting accomplished ;)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

spreads: celtic cross

probably the most common. i almost never use it... i feel like they're only really good for straight-up advice, which i honestly don't seek a lot of... personal failings?


anywho, jacked from a website, here is an example of this spread:

Card 1: The present
Card 2: The immediate challenge facing the querent. You will often pull a difficult card here, which will indicate an obstacle that must be overcome. When you pull a "good" card here, examine it carefully because it will still represent a challenge.
Card 3: Distant past, foundation. This card should indicate the root of the subject matter of the question
Card 4: More recent past, including events. This will indicate events taking place, not necessarily directly connected to the question. For example, if a love affair going wrong Card 3 would show the root of why it is going wrong, whereas Card 4 will show something that recently happened to reflect this. You could see this as a "check comment" card - a way of seeing that the reading is sound.
Card 5: The best that can be achieved. This is directly related to the question. Note that this may not necessarily gel against Card 10 - it depends whether you are able to get the best. However, a negative card here probably means that it is worth cutting your losses rather than putting any more effort into the situation.
Card 6: Immediate Future. This indicates events in the next few days or week(s). This reading does not cover months.
Card 7: Factors or inner feelings affecting the situation. Compare this against Card 1 in order to understand underlying forces/trends. If there is conflict between them this tends to indicate that the querent is going in the wrong direction.
Card 8: External influences. People, energies or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the querent's control.
Card 9: Hopes or fears around the situation. This may produce a card that confuses us badly. Always bear in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid, and to read the two together.
Card 10: Final outcome. This is a fairly self explanatory card. However it is worth saying that if the card comes up somewhat ambiguous, once again it may be worth drawing three extra cards to clarify. These should be interpreted through the lens of Card 10. So if the card drawn is the Tower and we draw the Ace of Cups, Princess of Cups and Four of Cups in a reading about a relationship, the Tower would indicate that it is time to move on. The Ace of Cup suggests that a new relationship is promised with better things ahead. The Princess of Cups brings new love (and possibly pregnancy). The Four of Cups shows deep levels of contentment and happiness, and many options for progress.

and now, for your viewing pleasure, is a totally-fer-real celtic cross spread i did for a friend:


1) You at Present: Rev. Star
- Cynicism, pessimism. Both things you're horribly self-admittedly guilty of.

2) Immediate Challenge: 8 of Wands
- Totally Aries card, meaning rapid movement with little forethought. It could be a good or bad thing. I think this means your current life challenge is to just get up and DO something, instead of quietly piddling about.

3) Distant Past: Rev. King of Swords
- You mention your ex Jay a bit, so because I know nothing else, this would probably be it. Bad experiences with past loves, or they ended up that way.

4) Recent Past/Influences: Moon
- You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial, a time when you'll do things that seem to make sense to you, yet when you come out of it you'll wonder, "Why did I do that? It makes no sense!" Your mind will be playing tricks on you, and so this is not a good time for making decisions that require rational thought and a clear head.

5) Higher-Self Advice: Rev. Queen of Pentacles
- Get out of the damn house. Go to more than just the store and back. Make an effort to connect with others, family or otherwise. There's plenty of free shit to do if you're willing to find it. You should be willing to.

6) Factors Affecting Situation: Ace of Swords
- The Ace of Swords represents a period of great insight and mental clarity. It signifies a ‘break-through’ or an ‘aha’ moment where suddenly conscious understanding and mental reasoning reach their peak, and achievement of goals suddenly becomes a lot easier. You have a new understanding of some issue that has been of concern, or, in a broader sense, a new world view. This is a perfect time to clear away the fog that has kept you from seeing the inner truth, so that you can now cut to the heart of the matter. This is also a good time to act, and if you set your mind to accomplishing your goals, you can achieve anything you desire.

The Ace of Swords highlights a new idea, inspiration, original thinking and creative vision. It represents a point at which you have a new way of thinking and the energy to go with it. You are excited to pursue new opportunities that draw upon your creative and mental abilities. (Biddy Tarot is awesome, and I feel this applies here.)

7) Factors Affecting Situation/Self-Image: Rev. Hierophant
- Someone who doesn't like following tradition, who doesn't see the point in them. Speaks of being unconventional.

8) External Influences: Rev. 3 of Pentacles
- You're now needing to actually think of a life plan for yourself, even if it's just something for next month. "If you do not have a clear view of how you will accomplish your goals, then it will be beneficial to stop work momentarily and plan out your next steps at a detailed level."

9) Hopes & Fears: Rev. 4 of Pentacles
- This is PERFECT here. Letting go. We all have that image of ourselves in our heads of who we want to be, but we so seldom ARE actually those people in our real lives. So I think, quite simply, you want to grow up and be the person who you want to be, but you're afraid of the steps necessary to do that. Veryvery common.

10) Possible Outcome: Rev. 7 of Cups
- A little more educated, a little less naive, perspective on life. Or, you know, growing up a little. Realism vs. cynicism, which are so not quite the same thing. (To say they are, is cynical ;) )

Monday, October 31, 2011


so today's supposed to be the best day all year to do divination.

i may tarot like a bat outta hell.

or something.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

#23, the happy squirrel card

as the fortune teller lady told lisa simpson, "the cards are vague and mysterious."

happy halloween. or samhain. or "day we drink and eat a lot of candy while dressing up as weird things of randomness." or day-before dia de los muertos.

edit: fyi, there is no #23 ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

the hierophant

H I E R O P H A N T 

"I would like a story," says the salamander to the Hierophant.
"And what would you like to hear, little one?" The words come slowly. Each syllable seems to be drawn from deep within, pulled up from an individual rootlet. The salamander is used to it, and patient.
"I want to hear how I may fly. I was content. And then one day friend Caterpillar said he was sleepy. He slept for a long time until I nearly forgot him. Until...yesterday a moth came to laugh at me. He laughed with Caterpillar's laugh, and with Caterpillar's voice he said he had had a dream of wings."
"Ah." The sonorous exhalation seems to go on forever. "Ah, little one; I am sorry. Caterpillar has that blessing. He may sleep and dream of flight. He weaves a silken ritual around his body, and then comes the day when that vision transforms him. You..."
"I wish to dream of flight too!" says Salamander very seriously.
"You may dream of it," says his friend and teacher, "I will not be the one to deny you divinity. But just know that your own divinity shall be attained along a different path than Caterpillar's. Do not relinquish your dream, Salamander."

Meaning: The Hierophant's roots are deep reaching, entwined around secrets and traditions and the ages. Ritual and cermony, pursuing knowledge and deeper meaning, the rigidity of a belief system.

You know what's fun about convention? Occasionally telling it to bend over while handing it a bottle of lube. Sometimes rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes to get the things we want, we have to break tradition. Occasionally mystics must be demystified, and the light can only be seen by turning tradition on its head.

Wtf am I going to do with an English degree? It's not like it'll pay for itself...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

today: 7 of cups

7 of cups is a dreamer's card. it's kinda like, when you want something possibly obtainable, but is it realistic. half of the couple is grounded, trying to figure out a way to make a dream real, whereas the other half is too busy wanting it to actually work for it. it's action versus inaction, obtainable versus pipe dream.

so my mom's coworker wants to set me up with her nephew. fml. i just wanted the job...

Sunday, October 09, 2011

high priestess: the wise woman

you know what really sucks about the concept of the "wise woman"?

she's always alone. she never has anybody to explain her wisdom to; it's all for herself.

which i guess is wise and all, but lonely. 


Meaning: Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue. The Owl is a keeper of knowledge, and he bears a key to unlock mysteries. The pomegranate is an icon of Persephone, who tasted the seeds and thus tied herself to Hades -- it is a fruit of fertility and death; and the moons embroidered upon her garments wax and wane. The new crescent, and gibbous moon that create the full cycle, embraced in one.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

wheel of fortune: because sometimes life is joyfully fucked up

ah, you wheel of fortune card. how i love you when you're upright in all your uprighty goodness. 

sometimes life hands you a big freaking diamond, and if and when that happens, you kind of just have to kick the shit out of it for laughs.

i can't explain any better than that.

but, it's a good card, especially when you're looking for fortune to be coming in your favor, in whatever ways.

hell yeah, son.

because i like it & i can: the judgment card, with info completely and utterly stolen from another site, which i'll link to so it isn't plagiarizing


making a judgment

having a day of reckoning
separating the wheat from the chaff
making an honest appraisal
getting off the fence
using critical faculties
taking a stand
making hard choices

feeling reborn

awakening to possibilities
enjoying renewed hope
making a fresh start
seeing everything in a new light
discovering joy

hearing a call

recognizing your true vocation
feeling inner conviction
feeling an impulse to act
deciding to make a difference
feeling drawn in a new direction
knowing what you must do
answering a need

finding absolution

feeling cleansed and refreshed
releasing guilts and sorrows
forgiving yourself and others
atoning for past mistakes
unburdening yourself
feeling sins washed away

On Card 20, we see people rising up at the call of an angel. It is Judgment Day, when the faithful are brought to heaven, but what about those who are not saved? Have they been judged and found wanting? For their sins, will they be denied the presence of God? It is this aspect of judgment that is unsettling. How can judgment be reconciled with forgiveness?

In fact, judgment comes in two forms. The hurtful kind says, "What you did is wrong, and you are bad and worthless for having done it." This type of judgment separates and leaves no room for redemption. It is possible to judge without condemning. We assess the matter, weigh all sides and try to discern the truth. We recognize the need to choose and hope for the courage to do so wisely - but without blame.
In readings, Card 20 can be a reminder that judgments are necessary; sometimes you must decide. At such moments, it is best to consider the matter carefully and then commit yourself without censure. If you are being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of value, correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth.

Card 20 also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. When the angel calls, you are reborn - cleansed of all guilts and burdens. The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are ready to begin anew. You may even feel a calling - a personal conviction of what you are meant to do. If you are in a low period, in need of hope and absolution, Judgement can show you that renewal is at hand.

totally jacked from... hurr.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

love spread for a friend

1- past
2- present
3- major influence
4- advice
5- outcome

1) justice reversed is unfairness. so maybe you've felt scorned in relationships somehow, like none of them have worked out & you feel it's unfair. (edit: dude just got out of a relationship, so this card apparently is more about him than her here)

2) fool - kind of a funny card to get for here, but still a card of naivety, though here the negative connotations aren't exactly prominent. you want to jump into something, but it may or may not be a bad/dumb idea.

3) reversed ace of cups - there's no love here, either from you or the other person, or maybe between you. there's nothing to fill the cup with, so to speak

4) reversed 2 of cups - reversed and the two lovers aren't connected to the earth; they're uprooted. maybe you shouldn't pursue this.

5) hanged man - perspective gained. seeing things from a new angle. not really a positive card in a love spread, exactly, but not really negative either.

she is not having luck with the lads, lately. sadface, y'all. sadface.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

to clarify

the second spread: 7 of cups, (r) 7 of swords, (r) queen of cups

1) Now is a time for me to dream, to figure out what I actually want to do [with my life and shit].

2) ...and to break out of old routines, to try something new. do something new and not my "usual."

3) and i should probably stop being so emo.

now, you may be wondering, though you probably aren't, "hey, you used to explain the cards! what happened!?"

answer: i got lazier. simple as that.

but now i feel guilty, so...

7 of cups is a card of dreaming. it's the "head in the clouds" card. not necessarily a bad thing, depending on circumstances. sometimes we need to dream up things to decide a path for ourselves. yup yup.

(r) 7 of swords is, when upright, a card about rites of passage almost: something that sucks, but you kind of just have to do it. like your first car being not much more than a questionably-shitty lawn mower. or how your girlfriend drives more aggressively (...and better...) than you. reverse it, and you don't have to do anything. reversed, and the so-called "tradition" of the thing you're going through, the sense of obligation or duty you may feel towards it, is all in your head. here you have the freedom to create your own rite of passage (like those people who get tattoos after they've beat cancer once or twice to commemorate), your own path. there's no prescribed way with this one.

(r) queen of cups is basically the opposite of the emotionally-caring, sympathetic/empathetic person. there's some apathy going on here, some selfishness, etc.

so i should probably just buck the fuck up.

not helped by doing a tarot blog on basically my own whingey psyche, but dumber plans have been followed. right? :o

so, yeah.

i think today's the day to be over it.

[enter random grumble about something unrelated here]

and i also think today's the day to start figuring out things i want to do for me.

so, yes.


Monday, October 03, 2011

experimental spread: theme for tomorrow

4 of cups, wheel of fortune, 5 of swords

basically? i might have failed my test in art appreciation.

maybe next time i should study for it.


"clarifying" spread, which we'll figure the hell out tomorrow.

7 of cups, reversed 7 of swords, reversed queen of cups

so, yeah.

stay tuned, or something.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ever feel like a walking vagina?

i'm starting to.

i wonder what it feels like to feel like a walking penis?


so this guy's life sucks right now. i guess he wants me to do a spread on... okay, he never got that far into that conversation with me. then again, i didn't really ask. let's be honest, he's doing this because it's like a) fuck it, and b) he might get info.

from now on, he will be referred to as "bobo." bobo needs to learn to live with this, because it will only go away when i'm bored with it.

true story.

but, moving away from subject...

subject: bobo

question: what action(s)/attitude(s) would best help him in his current situation?

 1) reversed page-o-cups: to be blunt, someone who's gone through some major shit and probably has trust issues because of it, whether it's trust in other people, or situations - whatever.

2) reversed death: actually not a great card. death is about letting go so new things can come up. reverse it, and it's about hanging on to something you shouldn't. this is emphasized by...

3) 10 of swords: which means, let shit go. really. that's it.

but, let go of what?
this, y'all
reversed 3-o-cups: in relation to this question and situation means more "thwarted gratification" than anything else. 

so you didn't get what you want. work around it!

...i asked that, too. the first spread seemed more backstory to me than anything else, so he gets one more go!

 1) judgment: leaving the past behind to get a new lease on life. easier said than done.

2) five of wands: running into challenge when trying to implement your change. it could be that everyone's giving advice but nobody's stopping long enough to actually listen to the problem. it could also be a challenge you enjoy, but with the question at hand i don't think so (could be wrong). either way, it's definitely an uphill climb that you're going through and will have to continue going through for a bit. the fight's totally worth it to get to the 6 of wands (triumph, bitches).

3) reversed queen of swords: reversed and she's a worrywart with her panties in a wad. basically, your challenge is to not take yourself so seriously. don't be that guy who's like, "nobody understands the depth of my struggle and blahblahblah," be the guy who's like, "hey, wanna go grab a beer* i can barely afford?" only with more pizzazz, which is an amazing word.

be that amazing word.

* beer = soda, since you aren't old enough to legally drink outside

Sunday, September 25, 2011


i had a date tonight. granted, i didn't want it. sooooo not ready to date.

set up by a friend. a friend whose idea of getting over someone is to get under someone else.

date set up, all that fun jazz.

didn't want to go. so indifferent to it all.

so i ask, what would happen if i were to go on said date, or go hang out with aquaintances/friends?

2 of cups, queen of wands, reversed ace of wands
Quite simply, I could have  a relationship tonight, judging by the not-so-subtle image of the two trees doing it.

granted, it's so pretty the way they bang.

the ace of wands is a wand of inspiration. reverse it, and no inspiration. it'd be this empty, shallow thing. that's crap. ew.

friendship time!:

breakdown: the world card, given the question, is about seeing where you fit into something - in this case, a group. so, it can be taken as... fitting in with a group. the reversed page of swords and fool cards are kind of combined in this instance, having to do with detaching. reverse the page o' swords and he's not really fighting for any idea anymore. the fool reversed is no longer grounded.

any way, i skipped out on date. told him the truth, that i'm just not in a good place to date anyone right now. so i went to hang out with friends.

one of the guys was like, "i was gonna ask you out tonight, but it seems like you're going through a lot right now. so if and when you're ready, you have my number."

so the next time your mother rolls her eyes at you for going out at night  in basically pajamas to some shitty rundown place that it doesn't matter anyway, smack her. because it probably won't matter anyway.

granted, mine didn't roll her eyes. i killed that part of her dreams a loooong time ago ;)

weirdest part: this is the 4th time i've been asked out this month. and i ask you people: what. the. fuck.

Friday, September 16, 2011

try not to be the guy your ex mocks in class assignments: a break from tarot to answer a question

“What is more humiliating than finding the object of your love unworthy?” - Jeanette Winterson, The Passion

Auspicious Breaker said...

So do you think the spread made the experience easier or harder to deal with? Because that seems like a bad situation to be in...I wouldn't want to deal with that...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

yesterday's q: what will having to see the x be like?

Today I had to meet up with X to sign some paperwork and what have you for our old apartment, which he's breaking lease on. So last night I figured, eh, why not, and drew three cards to see how he might act/behave.

And promptly took said picture, posted it on blog for official documentation, and crashed.

I'm not going into this too much for personal reasons, but, after we talked and such later in the day, it did all kind of come up and prove true.

So yes, here we go.

1) Knight of Wands (top): face/court cards, as a generic rule, tend to stand for an actual person. the wand suit is impulsive, action-oriented, and in some ways no more recklessly so than with the knight - literally charging into battle. definitely a "do first, think later" kinda guy. normally not him at all, but today it ended up being so. today was also the first time in the year and a half i've known him that he initiated anything concerning me. also, found out he signed up for skydiving. basically, he's trying to get his balls back and actually be the person he wants to be, rather than holding himself back. or at least trying to make strides to try, which is close enough depending on the day. so, today he channeled his inner grrr face for a bit, and he's apparently trying to do it in the rest of his life, too.

2) Reversed 2 of Pentacles (lower left): the pentacles suit is a materialistic suit, but also a "wealth" suit in every sense of the word. it could be argued that the upright 10 of pentacles means something like "wealth in love" depending on placement (which I don't really do much of) and/or question. today we found out how much it would take for him to break lease. i haven't lived there in 6 weeks, and i'd offered him half of this like 6 times in 2 weeks. he refused, so now he's paying for it. whoo. but yeah, basically it was twice as much as he thought it'd be. (ha! reversed 2 of pentacles, twice as much! ...sorry, nerd moment.)

3) Eight of Swords (the other one): in this case, i can't help but feel drawn to the interpretation of feeling restriction through one's own indecision. um, yeah. check, please.

squeal like a pig, boy.

Um, I'll go into these tomorrow. Within reason.

This is really an experiment for ME, so yeah.

Enjoy, I guess.

To choose "Yes" vs. choosing "No"

So, how's this gonna go down?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

so what's a single girl with a cold to do on a saturday night? go to barnes & noble

and buy a new tarot deck from an artist she saw at dragon*con. her watercolor is incredible. and if you know anything about watercolor, i think you may agree with me when i say watercolor is much more impressive than oil or acrylic, since if you fuck up watercolor, you can't just paint over it. it's done. it requires a lot of patience, a lot of waiting around for things to dry before you can continue, a lot of failing and learning from your mistakes.

basically, jesus, buddha, and ghandi - along with mother theresa - probably do watercolor in heaven. because they're all just that bad-ass.

but i'm moving away from the subject. whoops.

it was the only box of it they had at b&n. i'd thought of buying it at d*con but hadn't wanted to actually buy it. but it was the only one.

it was a sign.

that looked like this:

and it comes with a book. which is awesome, since the pictures on the cards are really artsy-fartsy. and yes, i really did just use that.
the book has some thickness to it, much more than the flimsy pamphlet the other deck came with. this paperback looks like it has some actual info in it, which is great since the depictions on the cards are so not what i'm used to... oh look, and the book is published by llewellyn, which is pretty much the god of new age/pagan publishing. oops, so's the whole damn deck. figures. in "that" section of the bookstore, they're actually pretty big players.

but the best part!? the cards are super flexible, which means shuffling should be a bit less awkward compared to the tarot of the dead pack. they're smaller, which is great since my hands are the size of your average nine year old boy's, and now i can no longer tell which position a card will be in when i flip it. let's review this:

one of these cards is reversed, while the other isn't. can you tell which is which?
didn't fucking think so, y'all.

the one on the left. maybe.

however, with ye olde decke, you can totally tell.
i'll give you a hint: blue-up in the upper left corner means the card will be reversed.

i always hated knowing, because if you're having a bad day and want to hear something in particular, you might skip said card. knowing will make you much more biased, in my opinion. now, i'll have no damn clue. so hopefully less bias.

my only complaint: it doesn't come with a damn bag. a lot of times they come with even some cheap, flimsy thing to keep it in. but not this one! fortunately, i have one bag that'll work for now, but if i didn't i'd be keeping this awkwardly-shaped box around for a while, and that's a huge pain in the ass.

so there you have it, guys. you have all witnessed the beginning of the tarot reader's end for me: collecting tarot packs. this brings me up to 2.5.

my first one, my original one, i lost #14 for, temperance. how the hell do you lose a tarot card, tear the room apart for what turned out to be move-out fail, and still never ever find it? beats the hell out of me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Thursday, September 01, 2011

uh, kay

so yeah. i kind of don't know why i'm still doing this. hate to say it, but it's beginning to feel like "well, nobody else is and i feel kind of like a jackass." but this thing kind of came around during a time where maybe i needed it to, so honestly, fuck it.


so someone left a comment about how've they worked out and whatever. (and yes, i know who you are. i so do.) "they" being "card spreads." well, still waiting on the one with my friend. i still don't trust him, or their relationship. i mean, who goes all "I don't know what you feel, but i feel like this is forever." they haven't even gone on a first date yet, they've just been talking and hanging out with mutual friends for like 3 weeks now. srsly.

anyway, thought about said question, so last night i did some random 3-carder on, well, how today was going to go.

and i got this:

so, let's do this shit.

3 of swords (trust me, guns are swords in this deck.) upright i always read as the heartbreak card, since it usually is. i always see it as something bad. 10 of cups reversed is like the "not getting your happily-ever-after card usually, so i read it as that, too. and the page of coinage? well, i have a hard time connecting with that suit, since they're related more to material gain, solid efforts, and the like - rather than thinking about it (swords), feeling your way through it (cups), or foolishly riding in and deciding to learn as you go but possibly burning out just as quickly (wands). i tend to live life by going "well crap, i should have thought that out more - or at all" (wands). 

1) but the 3 of swords, while being about heartbreak, is also about letting things go and forgiving. reversed they just say "you're doing it, awesome," while upright it's more like "hey, you need to get on this." today a bunch of random shit reminded me of, well, X, and i might have exaggerated some details in my head, or rather drew them out a bit more than they necessarily are, but it's cool. and i managed to not make an ass out of myself or sound retarded to anyone other than my best friend. which is mostly acceptable.

2) reversed 10 of cups, in light of this, wound up meaning more along the lines of "accepting old dreams just aren't there anymore." i mean, if you're with someone long enough in a certain type of relationship, you start planning your future dreams to include them. you give up some, you add others. your dreams change out of love. and it's not that love isn't still there, but they aren't. ergo facto, the dreams you'd begun to build with/for them can't/aren't there anymore. dreams change all the time. but it's kind of cool today because...

3) the page of coins is like the industrious student of the deck. reversed he just wants to play and piss away his life, but upright he's like the steady kind of "go-getter," the one who looks up and figures out what they need to do to make their dreams (or, their "single" dreams pre-X) come true. and that's completely what happened today.

but then, being me, i drew the next 3 cards off the top of the deck. just because.

omg, impusliveness. something i get.

the page of wands is a card of new beginnings, of knowing roughly the direction you want to go in and just opening up yourself to the possibilities of that direction. the hermit's this depressing, lonely-looking card, and it's superstitious as hell but so is tarot in general... dude's pointing his little light towards the new beginnings card. he's alone, he sees possibilities, and the do-it-all workaholic emperor's saying, "we've totally got this."

and fyi, late last night when i did this, i had absolutely no idea what the hell the second 3 cards meant, because those were ALL cards i used to get for X. also, i got really depressed at the first 3 cards, since they usually mean "heartbreak, broken dreams, going to school" in their most basic, depressing meanings.


so i signed up for americorps.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

spread for a friend...

suffering from insomnia right now, but it's cool. i needed to upload this stuff anyway.

so last night i was talked to my best friend for an obnoxiously long time, admitted to doing the blog for class on tarot, and she was all, "oh my god, will you do a reading for me?"

holy crap. i've never exactly done that before for anyone else. well, obviously i can't say that now, but 24 hours ago i could.


she's just started seeing this guy, and he's perfect. like, too perfect. i think that's his big flaw, really, that he's TOO perfect for her. but she wanted to find out if marriage was "in the cards" for them. (sorry, it just kind of came out.)

that seemed like a psychotic question to ask, too black & white, so instead i focused on just the relationship's long-term potential in general. and i got this:
reversed 10 of coins, reversed 7 of coins, and justice.

10s always sum up the suit they're in. in this instance, the coins equate to prosperity - material or otherwise. now, i know this guy's 25, small business owner, owns a house, looking for another one in atlanta on top of the house he already has... guy's not hurting for cash. and she's been focusing on this financial stability a lot. in this suit, 10 represents the happily-ever-after ending, both emotionally and financially. but it's reversed here. this doesn't mean finances will be raped or anything, but rather the happily-ever-after ending this guy can give her, she won't want. this is really emphasized with the reversed 7 next to it, which simply means "boredom;" obviously a non-reversed seven of coins stands for contentment. but the justice card seems like a really weird placement. in this instance i knew it meant since she'd said they were both really traditional and both try to be fair, that she'd be the perfect girlfriend for him. but i've told her before, this guy wants a wife, not a companion. she thinks that's what she wants, but she's slowly beginning to see the value in having him be a friend as well.

shorter version: she'll get bored with the money and all the stuff. she'll play the game of perfect girlfriend, but at some point her heart won't be in it anymore, because she'll realize her heart never was. (there are NO representations of emotions in this entire spread.)

i told her all of this. it was kind of awkward. she was quiet, but she said it felt pretty true with what she already had begun to feel. so i get this idea, because i feel bad for giving her news she didn't want to hear. i figure, hell, i'll figure out why this relationship will fail by comparing what they want out of life/relationships.

first, him:
king of wands, eight of coins, and five of coins.

wands are a passionate suit, the aggressive go-getting bunch. generally, of course. so you have this guy represented as the king of the aggressive go-getting group? holy shit, yo. i feel like honestly that explains enough, that he's simply aggressive; he's not afraid to take risks, and he plays to win. which if you're 25 and a successful small business owner who isn't dealing drugs, you kind of are. the eight of coins signifies he wants to work hard and earn hard. this is emphasized by the five of coins, which ordinarily suggest financial struggle when in this position, but combined with his eight i get more of a "he wants to take risks in business, wants to work hard at his business ventures, and he's just really focused on financially succeeding even more so than he is currently" kind of vibe. which is fine. he's just really career-oriented.

but what about hurr?
the star. yep. she shines pretty brightly in her own way, and she loves nurturing, keeping the peace, all that fun jazz. pretty much all the star signifies like this, she is/does. swords are about thought, and the ace of swords literally likes cutting through the crap to see the truth. which is pretty straight-forward her. the three of swords is kind of funny here, since normally it's a heartbreak card. not one you really want to see in a reading about your love life, right? but she loves passion. she loves the aching longing of forbidden love. lifetime could do a dozen movies on her love of drama alone, if they haven't already have. (they totally have, most likely.)

he likes financial security. heavy on security. she likes passion and truth.

that's who they are right now, but right now is where they've met.

i think they could make a sweet pair, but i truly believe she'll get bored. because of the "sweet pair" thing. no drama, just straight attempts at winning her.

but i wonder, when he has her, will he still care?

not a fan, y'all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"face" cards, or the court cards

okay, because i'm clearly too lazy to photograph, splice, and upload all of the ones from my deck, i'll just copy/paste these from other websites. and probably their meanings. or something. i don't know, i may just cliffnotes the hell out of it all. or just link the pictures! oooo... total laziness...

ummm, yeah. so there are shit-tons of different decks, even though essentially the cards mean the same thing; it's really just down to aesthetics. the top left one is from the very traditional Rider-Waite deck, and after that it just gets creative. there are differences in meanings between pages, knights, queens, and kings, as there are differences between pentacles/coins, swords, cups, and wands. it's actually pretty tied into western astrology, so if you haven't memorized the characteristics of earth (pentacles), air (swords), water (cups), or fire (wands) as astrological characteristics, since the twelve signs fall into those elemental categories and are therefore believed to share basic common things, then you're kind of fucked.

but i'll get into that later. i'm probably really just doing this because it's better than reading for other classes.

which i desperately need to do now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

also, today's theme card!

So I've known for a bit what I'd be doing my blog on. With that in mind, and kind of because I've been a combination of dragged and dragging myself through something akin to an emotional hell over prior, recent, circumstances, I drew a card late last night/early-early this morning, asking myself what "energy" to bring to my day (today). Like, how to act. How to present myself. How to simply go about my day.

(And remember kids, we'll be exploring tarot definitions as they are now. You had your history lesson, now it's time for some cartomancy, y'all!)

Anyway, I drew this card. Not peeking is important.

Ignoring the fact she's dead, and the flash in the middle...

Welcome, children, to the Empress card. She's considered a very maternal picture. Like, to the point that if you're asking about your pregnancy, chances are you're pretty God damned pregnant if you pull this card like this.

But I don't think that was me today. I wasn't really maternal exactly. Today was just a pretty calm day in my head, which was SO NICE, I can't tell you guys. That depiction of her, to me, just makes her seem pretty chilled out. She doesn't look extremely action-oriented here, which has gotten me into plenty of crap semi-recently anyway. It felt like I was telling myself, "Dude, chill out. Just let good shit come to you. Don't chase it, because it'll just kind of flow today."

Totally rocked a phone interview for an internship I've been wanting for months. Fingers crossed.

Side note: You know how she looks like she's waiting? The Emperor, #4, comes after her. I hope she's not waiting for him. Granted, he comes any way regardless. I guess she's just kind of... letting things happen. For once.

I've been getting her a lot post break-up. Think I'm trying to tell myself anything? :\

Tarot: It's kind of made up.

This is kind of for me, as well as you lovely people who are forced to read this. Except for that Rachael person; she seems to be cool with it. (Hi, Rachael!)

No, I don't know her from Adam. Or I guess Eve.


Because I can, I'll be highlighting what I feel are key points on the history of tarot from tarotpedia - really.


What are now known today as tarot cards were originally just playing cards in the mid-15th century when they were invented, probably in Italy. This card game gained popularity throughout continental Europe. Some guy named Francesco Marcolini published what is regarded as the first known document of cartomancy, or fortune telling with cards. But they didn't use tarot cards for this, yet! They actually used some other random deck, but that deck fanned out.

Ouch. Bad pun.

Moving on!

"Beginning around 1750, a modernized Tarot deck became popular in many areas. The more common French suit-signs, (Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds) replaced the older Italian ones, and around 1780 the trumps began to became double-headed. Tarot's traditional Medieval allegory was replaced with a decorative series of thematically-related but essentially arbitrary images, made possible by the use of large numerals on the trumps. This obviated memorizing the order of images, making the game that much easier to learn. The themes of these decks might include almost anything: animals, pastoral scenes, military triumphs, illustrated proverbs, even advertising. Although in decline in France and Italy, the popularity of the game elsewhere increased during this period.

"Fortune-telling with playing cards had developed from their use as a randomizing device to pick a page in a book of fortunes in the 1500s, through the use of special fortune-telling decks in the 1600s, and finally to the point of regular decks being given symbolic meaning in the 1700s. A few scattered indications of this appear earlier in the century, but the first book on cartomancy was published in 1770. It was written by Etteilla, the world's first professional cartomancer, who became one of the founders of occult Tarot. In the 1780s he and two other French writers developed much of the occult lore and fortune-telling methods that would reinvent Tarot in the late 1800s.
These three writers changed Tarot forever. Neither knowing nor caring much about Tarot's 350-year history, its original and common use as a game, or the intended meaning of its allegorical cycle, they interpreted the images freely. They used the twenty-two trumps as signs designating the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These newly-minted correspondences made the Tarot deck into a novel emblem system for Cabalistic magic and mysticism. The two esoteric uses, Cabala and divination, became permanently attached to Tarot. The authors of this newly invented Tarot also wrote up a detailed fantasy about Tarot's origin and history, involving Egyptian initiations, Jewish mystics, and vagabond Gypsies. These fictional histories were intended to validate the correspondences the occultists had devised, by appeal to alleged ancient wisdom and secret traditions.

"Although much of the groundwork for today's occult Tarot lore was established in the late-1700s, the only part that became popular during the subsequent century was fortune-telling. Before the more elaborate myths and esoteric systems could become popular, occult Tarot had to be invented a second time. This happened in the mid-19th century. New systems of correspondence were invented and additional layers of legend were overlaid. This second invention came at just the right historical moment, at the beginning of the Victorian occult revival, and by the end of the century both French and British occultists had developed various schools which took the 15th-century game to be the Absolute Key to Occult Science.

"In the late 20th century, Tarot was widely adopted by various New Age enthusiasts, neo-Pagans, and of course, fortune-tellers, as well as people who were simply interested in using the deck for self-exploration without any spiritual or mystical motivation. It was again redefined, largely in the terms of Jungian psychology, but with borrowings from the earlier occultists and from Waite. This development was greatly facilitated by Waite's mystical Tarot deck, whose trumps and pips had been redesigned in a manner consistent with such usage. His deck served as a model for hundreds of derivative decks. The new element, characteristic of contemporary Tarot, was the belief that naive intuition and free association would reveal universal archetypes from the unconscious mind. This liberated Tarot enthusiasts from having to learn complex systems of correspondence, and having to choose between the competing systems.

"In addition to fortune telling, modern Tarot applications include soul-searching exercises and meditation for personal growth, and as a randomized input for free association and brainstorming techniques. Not surprisingly, they have even been used by some psychologists in a therapeutic context. Also in the late 20th century, more historically sophisticated writers have attempted salvage as much of the earlier occult fictions as possible while abandoning most of the obviously false elements. As with other late 20th-century Tarot writers, their basic premise is the existence of universals which are intuitively understood. Given this premise, Tarot must have always been something very close to what it is currently understood to be -- otherwise the supposed universals are not universal. Critics of this viewpoint would say that this preconception leads to the invention of secret coded messages in the trump cards, supported by nothing beyond the anachronistic belief that what people see in the images today must have always been there.

"Despite the invention of new Tarot legends and perpetuation of some of the old ones, another trend is developing. The Internet has begun to provide popular access to the work of playing-card historians. During the last two decades of the 20th century, a great deal of historical evidence was collected, collated, analyzed, and published. Stuart Kaplan's Encyclopedia of Tarot (volumes I & II) presents a great deal of information. However, it is the series of books authored or co-authored by Michael Dummett (from 1980 through 2004) which has thoroughly tried to debunk the majority of earlier Tarot lore while putting the pieces together to form a coherent history of Tarot, the great many forms taken by the game and deck, secondary historical uses such as appropriati, and perhaps most intriguingly, documenting in great detail the development of occult Tarot from the 1780s till the beginning of the modern era, around 1970. Most of that factual history, both pre-occult and the development of occult Tarot itself, remains unknown to some contemporary Tarot enthusiasts. However, some of it is now being presented on the Internet rather than being limited to a few hard-to-find books. One of the reasons for Tarotpedia's Tarot History section is to expand the online availability of that kind of information."


So if you actually finished that, CONGRATULATIONS. And yes, it's technically made up. Hell, it's officially made up. But then again, so is religion - arguably. So is ALL thought process. The point of this blog isn't to prove or disprove tarot's origins and therefore its credibility. I can't make you believe in shit, and that's simply that.

I just aim to explore tarot as it is now, not as it began as.

So enjoy that. :D