Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ever feel like a walking vagina?

i'm starting to.

i wonder what it feels like to feel like a walking penis?


so this guy's life sucks right now. i guess he wants me to do a spread on... okay, he never got that far into that conversation with me. then again, i didn't really ask. let's be honest, he's doing this because it's like a) fuck it, and b) he might get info.

from now on, he will be referred to as "bobo." bobo needs to learn to live with this, because it will only go away when i'm bored with it.

true story.

but, moving away from subject...

subject: bobo

question: what action(s)/attitude(s) would best help him in his current situation?

 1) reversed page-o-cups: to be blunt, someone who's gone through some major shit and probably has trust issues because of it, whether it's trust in other people, or situations - whatever.

2) reversed death: actually not a great card. death is about letting go so new things can come up. reverse it, and it's about hanging on to something you shouldn't. this is emphasized by...

3) 10 of swords: which means, let shit go. really. that's it.

but, let go of what?
this, y'all
reversed 3-o-cups: in relation to this question and situation means more "thwarted gratification" than anything else. 

so you didn't get what you want. work around it!

...i asked that, too. the first spread seemed more backstory to me than anything else, so he gets one more go!

 1) judgment: leaving the past behind to get a new lease on life. easier said than done.

2) five of wands: running into challenge when trying to implement your change. it could be that everyone's giving advice but nobody's stopping long enough to actually listen to the problem. it could also be a challenge you enjoy, but with the question at hand i don't think so (could be wrong). either way, it's definitely an uphill climb that you're going through and will have to continue going through for a bit. the fight's totally worth it to get to the 6 of wands (triumph, bitches).

3) reversed queen of swords: reversed and she's a worrywart with her panties in a wad. basically, your challenge is to not take yourself so seriously. don't be that guy who's like, "nobody understands the depth of my struggle and blahblahblah," be the guy who's like, "hey, wanna go grab a beer* i can barely afford?" only with more pizzazz, which is an amazing word.

be that amazing word.

* beer = soda, since you aren't old enough to legally drink outside


  1. Sex is a primary motivator in the way people operate, but as higher animals, we are not bound by our instincts; we have the choice not to let it dominate the way we live.

  2. I have been the walking penis. It's alright if you're numb and have no personality. People give you attention if that's what you want. If you actually want people to hear what you're saying then it sucks.

    We saw this with the protagonist of Ellison's "Invisible Man."

    Those women leached to him talking about women's civil rights and asked him to teach them the political aspects of changing the way the world works. Really they just saw him as a smart black man (the women were all white aristocracy) and something exotic to try out.
    ...Bigger problem is that he gave in to it instead of sticking to his platform.

    When I used to perform poetry and spoken word and maybe 5 out of 90 females listened to the wordplay, satire, and themes. They'd come talk later. Others would just

    Phrases that ruined my innocence and stopped me from performing.

    "I've never seen that many cocks blocked in one setting." - Fellow Male Performer

    " had all 'dem peach booty girls 'bout to cream, we could eat for days." - Fellow Female Performer.
