So I've known for a bit what I'd be doing my blog on. With that in mind, and kind of because I've been a combination of dragged and dragging myself through something akin to an emotional hell over prior, recent, circumstances, I drew a card late last night/early-early this morning, asking myself what "energy" to bring to my day (today). Like, how to act. How to present myself. How to simply go about my day.
(And remember kids, we'll be exploring tarot definitions as they are now. You had your history lesson, now it's time for some cartomancy, y'all!)
Anyway, I drew this card. Not peeking is important.
Ignoring the fact she's dead, and the flash in the middle...
Welcome, children, to the Empress card. She's considered a very maternal picture. Like, to the point that if you're asking about your pregnancy, chances are you're pretty God damned pregnant if you pull this card like this.
But I don't think that was me today. I wasn't really maternal exactly. Today was just a pretty calm day in my head, which was SO NICE, I can't tell you guys. That depiction of her, to me, just makes her seem pretty chilled out. She doesn't look extremely action-oriented here, which has gotten me into plenty of crap semi-recently anyway. It felt like I was telling myself, "Dude, chill out. Just let good shit come to you. Don't chase it, because it'll just kind of flow today."
Totally rocked a phone interview for an internship I've been wanting for months. Fingers crossed.
Side note: You know how she looks like she's waiting? The Emperor, #4, comes after her. I hope she's not waiting for him. Granted, he comes any way regardless. I guess she's just kind of... letting things happen. For once.
I've been getting her a lot post break-up. Think I'm trying to tell myself anything? :\
Maybe it's not that you were/are maternal as much as you need to be mothered, or looked after. Like the comfort a child needs from mommy. I'm loving his blog a lot already!