Saturday, August 27, 2011

spread for a friend...

suffering from insomnia right now, but it's cool. i needed to upload this stuff anyway.

so last night i was talked to my best friend for an obnoxiously long time, admitted to doing the blog for class on tarot, and she was all, "oh my god, will you do a reading for me?"

holy crap. i've never exactly done that before for anyone else. well, obviously i can't say that now, but 24 hours ago i could.


she's just started seeing this guy, and he's perfect. like, too perfect. i think that's his big flaw, really, that he's TOO perfect for her. but she wanted to find out if marriage was "in the cards" for them. (sorry, it just kind of came out.)

that seemed like a psychotic question to ask, too black & white, so instead i focused on just the relationship's long-term potential in general. and i got this:
reversed 10 of coins, reversed 7 of coins, and justice.

10s always sum up the suit they're in. in this instance, the coins equate to prosperity - material or otherwise. now, i know this guy's 25, small business owner, owns a house, looking for another one in atlanta on top of the house he already has... guy's not hurting for cash. and she's been focusing on this financial stability a lot. in this suit, 10 represents the happily-ever-after ending, both emotionally and financially. but it's reversed here. this doesn't mean finances will be raped or anything, but rather the happily-ever-after ending this guy can give her, she won't want. this is really emphasized with the reversed 7 next to it, which simply means "boredom;" obviously a non-reversed seven of coins stands for contentment. but the justice card seems like a really weird placement. in this instance i knew it meant since she'd said they were both really traditional and both try to be fair, that she'd be the perfect girlfriend for him. but i've told her before, this guy wants a wife, not a companion. she thinks that's what she wants, but she's slowly beginning to see the value in having him be a friend as well.

shorter version: she'll get bored with the money and all the stuff. she'll play the game of perfect girlfriend, but at some point her heart won't be in it anymore, because she'll realize her heart never was. (there are NO representations of emotions in this entire spread.)

i told her all of this. it was kind of awkward. she was quiet, but she said it felt pretty true with what she already had begun to feel. so i get this idea, because i feel bad for giving her news she didn't want to hear. i figure, hell, i'll figure out why this relationship will fail by comparing what they want out of life/relationships.

first, him:
king of wands, eight of coins, and five of coins.

wands are a passionate suit, the aggressive go-getting bunch. generally, of course. so you have this guy represented as the king of the aggressive go-getting group? holy shit, yo. i feel like honestly that explains enough, that he's simply aggressive; he's not afraid to take risks, and he plays to win. which if you're 25 and a successful small business owner who isn't dealing drugs, you kind of are. the eight of coins signifies he wants to work hard and earn hard. this is emphasized by the five of coins, which ordinarily suggest financial struggle when in this position, but combined with his eight i get more of a "he wants to take risks in business, wants to work hard at his business ventures, and he's just really focused on financially succeeding even more so than he is currently" kind of vibe. which is fine. he's just really career-oriented.

but what about hurr?
the star. yep. she shines pretty brightly in her own way, and she loves nurturing, keeping the peace, all that fun jazz. pretty much all the star signifies like this, she is/does. swords are about thought, and the ace of swords literally likes cutting through the crap to see the truth. which is pretty straight-forward her. the three of swords is kind of funny here, since normally it's a heartbreak card. not one you really want to see in a reading about your love life, right? but she loves passion. she loves the aching longing of forbidden love. lifetime could do a dozen movies on her love of drama alone, if they haven't already have. (they totally have, most likely.)

he likes financial security. heavy on security. she likes passion and truth.

that's who they are right now, but right now is where they've met.

i think they could make a sweet pair, but i truly believe she'll get bored. because of the "sweet pair" thing. no drama, just straight attempts at winning her.

but i wonder, when he has her, will he still care?

not a fan, y'all.


  1. Funny how some people can't be satisfied with exactly what they want.

    Just curious as to how your past spreads have played out.

  2. Frankie! I would have never guessed that you were in to this kind of stuff, but I love your blog! My boss at work is super into vibes or whatever (and I always catch her glaring at me from across the restaurant—I wonder what kind of things my vibes send her), and has these cards called “Trust Your Vibes”. I pick one out every time I go to work, and they always give some really stupid advice about how I need to go back to my roots or take time to meditate or something. I don’t even ever know what any of it means, and kind of giggle to myself and put it back in the deck. However, I really like how you do them for your friends, and how your blog is like a little secret book about how you’re really feeling about your friends’ situations. And how the hell did you get your blog to look so good? It took me forever to figure out how to upload the pictures and they are all enormous! You’ll have to give me some HTML advice… as maybe read my cards sometime (I’d LOVE to read your blog about THAT!)!
