i wonder what it feels like to feel like a walking penis?
so this guy's life sucks right now. i guess he wants me to do a spread on... okay, he never got that far into that conversation with me. then again, i didn't really ask. let's be honest, he's doing this because it's like a) fuck it, and b) he might get info.
from now on, he will be referred to as "bobo." bobo needs to learn to live with this, because it will only go away when i'm bored with it.
true story.
but, moving away from subject...
subject: bobo
question: what action(s)/attitude(s) would best help him in his current situation?
1) reversed page-o-cups: to be blunt, someone who's gone through some major shit and probably has trust issues because of it, whether it's trust in other people, or situations - whatever.
2) reversed death: actually not a great card. death is about letting go so new things can come up. reverse it, and it's about hanging on to something you shouldn't. this is emphasized by...
3) 10 of swords: which means, let shit go. really. that's it.
but, let go of what?
this, y'all |
so you didn't get what you want. work around it!
...i asked that, too. the first spread seemed more backstory to me than anything else, so he gets one more go!
2) five of wands: running into challenge when trying to implement your change. it could be that everyone's giving advice but nobody's stopping long enough to actually listen to the problem. it could also be a challenge you enjoy, but with the question at hand i don't think so (could be wrong). either way, it's definitely an uphill climb that you're going through and will have to continue going through for a bit. the fight's totally worth it to get to the 6 of wands (triumph, bitches).
3) reversed queen of swords: reversed and she's a worrywart with her panties in a wad. basically, your challenge is to not take yourself so seriously. don't be that guy who's like, "nobody understands the depth of my struggle and blahblahblah," be the guy who's like, "hey, wanna go grab a beer* i can barely afford?" only with more pizzazz, which is an amazing word.
be that amazing word.
* beer = soda, since you aren't old enough to legally drink outside