Friday, November 25, 2011

emperor & empress cards

haven't touched this thing in a bit, so i figured i'd do a quick one. granted, i say "quick," but watch it take me an hour or so to hum out. oh well.

not like i need to do mega-assignments that are due this coming tuesday/thurs.

anyway, i figured i'd do this post on the emperor and empress cards, since for some reason i feel like everyone should embody these two in themselves. true fact.

emperor, the aries male wonder

so, anyone know anything about astrology? 'cause apparently this dude's a total aries guy: he's quite literally depicted here as the center of his own universe. he's singular, solo, completely self-sufficient. he gives nothing unless it benefits him and only takes what he needs for himself. he's also a bit stubborn; notice how he's rooted in his place? granted, this means he's kind of a selfish dick. let's not forget being proud and set in his ways; he changes for nothing and no one. he's not exactly the best of friends and he's likely out for numero uno in the sack. (granted, here he's depicted as the Horned God/Pan/Greenman/call-him-what-you-will, so while he may be a selfish lay, expect some raw angry passion. if you don't want to risk being with a guy who doesn't consider sex "good" unless you suffer some awesome vaginal bruising - every time - then move on.)

these are all things that it can be necessary to be at one point or another, in short time increments (say, at work). but as soon as this shit carries over into your personal relationships, you'll fuck yourself. 

empress, how the concept of Taurus likes to think of itself
think of taurus as the next-door-neighbor to aries, the one that doesn't really "get" their neighbor, but doesn't exactly not like them. taurus will put a more traditional, elaborate rose garden in their yard; aries will put up exotic flowers and useful food/-/herb-plants (aries tend to be a little too practical but still like things looking a certain way). they're both in kind-of competition, at least in the aries's mind. but then taurus comes over one day with a small rose bouquet and some homemade comfort food as a way to say "hi, let's be tolerant friends." then the aries finds out the taurus actually tithes, even though they're jewish. the taurus is always there to lend a hand, or some kind of practical advice. or something else useful the aries can take away with them in some manner.

dude, this is kind of the empress. where the emperor's kind of a dick, the empress gives. and gives and gives and gives. see her never-ending basket of awesome? it's full of beautiful shit she keeps giving away. to the universe. to her neighbors. family. friends. everyone.

she gets off on giving. it's not some kind of martyr complex (or, as some might phrase it, sacrificial sensibility), it's just her maternal instincts kicking in. because, really, she's the mother to the world. or at least she tries to be. she takes nothing, only offers gifts for others.

but where the emperor looks right at you, all "i'm a dick, deal with it," the empress looks up towards the sky, towards the gifts she's giving. i've seen decks where they're drawn to look at each other when both are upright (very very helpful in a love reading), ironically though, they can both neglect. the emperor's neglect is more blatant as he's wrapped up in strictly himself, but you gotta admire the straight-into-your-eyes no-bullshit honesty. the empress's neglect is subtle: she's so busy playing universal savior she can forget to nourish the ones closest to her. this would be the person who throws themselves into charities and other good causes, but is never home in time for dinner, or takes in homeless people to help them. foster parents. etc.

just some late night ramblings for you guys.

bam. posting accomplished ;)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

spreads: celtic cross

probably the most common. i almost never use it... i feel like they're only really good for straight-up advice, which i honestly don't seek a lot of... personal failings?


anywho, jacked from a website, here is an example of this spread:

Card 1: The present
Card 2: The immediate challenge facing the querent. You will often pull a difficult card here, which will indicate an obstacle that must be overcome. When you pull a "good" card here, examine it carefully because it will still represent a challenge.
Card 3: Distant past, foundation. This card should indicate the root of the subject matter of the question
Card 4: More recent past, including events. This will indicate events taking place, not necessarily directly connected to the question. For example, if a love affair going wrong Card 3 would show the root of why it is going wrong, whereas Card 4 will show something that recently happened to reflect this. You could see this as a "check comment" card - a way of seeing that the reading is sound.
Card 5: The best that can be achieved. This is directly related to the question. Note that this may not necessarily gel against Card 10 - it depends whether you are able to get the best. However, a negative card here probably means that it is worth cutting your losses rather than putting any more effort into the situation.
Card 6: Immediate Future. This indicates events in the next few days or week(s). This reading does not cover months.
Card 7: Factors or inner feelings affecting the situation. Compare this against Card 1 in order to understand underlying forces/trends. If there is conflict between them this tends to indicate that the querent is going in the wrong direction.
Card 8: External influences. People, energies or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the querent's control.
Card 9: Hopes or fears around the situation. This may produce a card that confuses us badly. Always bear in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid, and to read the two together.
Card 10: Final outcome. This is a fairly self explanatory card. However it is worth saying that if the card comes up somewhat ambiguous, once again it may be worth drawing three extra cards to clarify. These should be interpreted through the lens of Card 10. So if the card drawn is the Tower and we draw the Ace of Cups, Princess of Cups and Four of Cups in a reading about a relationship, the Tower would indicate that it is time to move on. The Ace of Cup suggests that a new relationship is promised with better things ahead. The Princess of Cups brings new love (and possibly pregnancy). The Four of Cups shows deep levels of contentment and happiness, and many options for progress.

and now, for your viewing pleasure, is a totally-fer-real celtic cross spread i did for a friend:


1) You at Present: Rev. Star
- Cynicism, pessimism. Both things you're horribly self-admittedly guilty of.

2) Immediate Challenge: 8 of Wands
- Totally Aries card, meaning rapid movement with little forethought. It could be a good or bad thing. I think this means your current life challenge is to just get up and DO something, instead of quietly piddling about.

3) Distant Past: Rev. King of Swords
- You mention your ex Jay a bit, so because I know nothing else, this would probably be it. Bad experiences with past loves, or they ended up that way.

4) Recent Past/Influences: Moon
- You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial, a time when you'll do things that seem to make sense to you, yet when you come out of it you'll wonder, "Why did I do that? It makes no sense!" Your mind will be playing tricks on you, and so this is not a good time for making decisions that require rational thought and a clear head.

5) Higher-Self Advice: Rev. Queen of Pentacles
- Get out of the damn house. Go to more than just the store and back. Make an effort to connect with others, family or otherwise. There's plenty of free shit to do if you're willing to find it. You should be willing to.

6) Factors Affecting Situation: Ace of Swords
- The Ace of Swords represents a period of great insight and mental clarity. It signifies a ‘break-through’ or an ‘aha’ moment where suddenly conscious understanding and mental reasoning reach their peak, and achievement of goals suddenly becomes a lot easier. You have a new understanding of some issue that has been of concern, or, in a broader sense, a new world view. This is a perfect time to clear away the fog that has kept you from seeing the inner truth, so that you can now cut to the heart of the matter. This is also a good time to act, and if you set your mind to accomplishing your goals, you can achieve anything you desire.

The Ace of Swords highlights a new idea, inspiration, original thinking and creative vision. It represents a point at which you have a new way of thinking and the energy to go with it. You are excited to pursue new opportunities that draw upon your creative and mental abilities. (Biddy Tarot is awesome, and I feel this applies here.)

7) Factors Affecting Situation/Self-Image: Rev. Hierophant
- Someone who doesn't like following tradition, who doesn't see the point in them. Speaks of being unconventional.

8) External Influences: Rev. 3 of Pentacles
- You're now needing to actually think of a life plan for yourself, even if it's just something for next month. "If you do not have a clear view of how you will accomplish your goals, then it will be beneficial to stop work momentarily and plan out your next steps at a detailed level."

9) Hopes & Fears: Rev. 4 of Pentacles
- This is PERFECT here. Letting go. We all have that image of ourselves in our heads of who we want to be, but we so seldom ARE actually those people in our real lives. So I think, quite simply, you want to grow up and be the person who you want to be, but you're afraid of the steps necessary to do that. Veryvery common.

10) Possible Outcome: Rev. 7 of Cups
- A little more educated, a little less naive, perspective on life. Or, you know, growing up a little. Realism vs. cynicism, which are so not quite the same thing. (To say they are, is cynical ;) )